About Us

We are convinced that work can create meaning, strengthen people and support their development.

Our vision – effective collaboration

Connecting people with people, people with ideas and thus with new opportunities. Creating added value for, in, with and through diverse networks - our answer to increasing complexity, our future and the path to more sustainable innovation.

Because the future needs a strong WE.

Our mission – we connect people!

Connecting Humans supports companies in their future viability, designs working environments and processes and further develops people.

We would like to implement ideas, concepts and programs with you that not only add value, but also have a sustainable long-term impact. In the spirit of “ The world of work needs a strong we ”.

The working world of tomorrow will be even more complex, more agile, more multimedia and more inclusive, more independent of time and place. Different perspectives and interconnectedness take center stage, while human-machine-algorithm partnerships become the norm. In hybrid working environments and flexible framework conditions, collaboration becomes a matter of course despite physical distance; the teams decide for themselves what works for them, how and who leads how depending on the situation. They want the best on their own responsibility: for the world, their company, the team and themselves. This change is inevitable and requires a rethinking of the world of work.

That's why we believe that the "how" is at least as important as the "what." The future world of work will be characterized not only by knowledge, technological advances and continuous change, but also by creative collaboration and human innovation. Artificial intelligence will change the way we work, but we are focusing on the social and creative aspects because these make the difference!

We are Connecting Humans

Katharina Krentz

Transformation companion,
team developer and keynote speaker

Katharina is a transformation companion, team developer, expert for new work and networking and has been working on the change in the world of work since 2012. As a sought-after international consultant and speaker, she brings years of experience and enthusiasm for people and systems. Your broad background ranges from SMEs to large corporations, across different roles, functions and hierarchy levels. Her work has received multiple awards, including Top 40 over 40 of the most inspiring women in Germany, HR Top 10 Influencer and Digital Female Leader.

Katharina loves Kaiserschmarrn, is a trained extrovert and recharges her batteries by looking at the water. She is a cheerful optimist who believes that diverse experiences and large, heterogeneous networks strengthen us for the future.

Sophie Rickman

Business psychologist, communications guide and new work facilitator with a focus on corporate influencing

Sophie is a business psychologist, new work facilitator and communications guide with a diverse background in marketing, sales and business development in various small and medium-sized companies. It combines psychological approaches with economic challenges and creatively promotes communication and networking in teams and for each individual. As a New Work facilitator, she further develops work cultures and collaboration and accompanies the generational change. She is passionate about the topic of corporate influencing, because people trust and follow people!

Personally, she is curious and sporty, loves events and festivals in daylight and says of herself that she is a creative free spirit. She always thinks of something and “it doesn’t work” doesn’t exist.

Jens Wiemann

Strategic innovation consultant, UX designer, visionary and idea implementer

Jens is a strategic innovation consultant, experience designer and brand expert. He loves breaking new ground with people, in teams and for companies. With over 12 years of team and leadership experience in management consultancies such as IDEO, frog and Deloitte Digital, he has seen the world and led international innovation projects in many industrial sectors. For Jens, new approaches always start with human needs. He develops and designs customer and employee experiences, digital product and service worlds and teaches our customers how to put their creative potential into practice.

Jens is passionate about speaking and cooking Italian. Time with his son but also the exchange with others recharges his batteries and he can usually be found where something new is being created or something unusual is happening.

We believe in that

  • We believe in the power of diverse and inclusive networks.

  • Lifelong learning and the exchange of knowledge.

  • Human dignity is inviolable. We should all be ourselves, are equal, beautiful, right, good enough and we deserve respect, recognition and appreciation for who we are and what we do. (Freely according to Article 1 of the Basic Law).

  • We live and love how and whoever we want.

  • Feminism is important to us and is there for everyone, because then everyone is thought of.

  • We can all constantly learn, change and contribute.

  • We believe in the good in new things and in change.

  • We believe in ourselves and also in you #BetterTogether. #WorkTogether!

Let's start together, because the world of work is changing - and the opportunities lie where we join forces.

Get to know our team

Katharina Krentz

Transformation companion, team developer and keynote speaker

Katharina is enthusiastic about New Work topics with a focus on networking: team development and design, network development and expansion, collaboration, self-EFFECTIVENESS, leadership, learning and diversity.

Katha is an internationally sought-after consultant, companion, source of inspiration, team developer, speaker and moderator. She loves picking up new trends, discovering methods and tools, trying them out, adapting them and using them to create value. She is active as a certified Working Out Loud (WOL) coach and is considered the founder of the WOL movement in Germany since she successfully used the method at Robert Bosch GmbH. In 2015, it started the largest grassroots movement to date, developed it further and strategically anchored it globally in the HR strategy. In total, she worked for 18 years in various roles, functions, hierarchical levels and countries, and most recently supported the Bosch Group worldwide in digital transformation within Corporate HR in the transformation area. Previously, she gained experience in the grown-up / SME environment.

She is passionate about the changing world of work and the associated opportunities for people. It is important to strengthen strengths and get actively involved, because self-efficacy and personal development as well as the ability to enjoy lifelong learning are essential for the future.

She has received several awards for her work, most recently as an HR Top 10 influencer from Personio, Factorial and Personalmagazin, as one of over 40 of the most inspiring women in Germany, with the Digital Female Leader Award in the New Work category and the HR Excellence Award.

In her free time, you’ll often find Katharina indulging in Kaiserschmarrn—her ultimate guilty pleasure that she can’t resist. She also loves retreating to nature or spending time by the water to unwind and recharge. A cheerful optimist at heart, her personal lifestyle reflects her philosophy: Change is enriching, and diverse experiences make us stronger for the future.

    • New Work & change in the world of work

    • Self-EFFECTIVENESS through networking and visibility

    • Team design & development

    • #FrauenStärken

    • Diversity & LGBTQIA+

    • Working out loud

    • Communities & Networks

    • 13+ years of experience in digital transformation & change in the world of work

    • 10+ years of experience leading projects, co-creation teams & networks

    • 9+ years Working Out Loud, >20k in WOL Circles in >50 countries

    • >6,000 participants in #FrauenStärkenprograms

    • Co-creative, self-organized, agile & hybrid work

    • Studied media and communications manager

    • Organizational developer

    • Smart Work @ Robert Bosch GmbH

    • Team designer & developer

    • Project Manager & Agile Coach

    • Working Out Loud Coach

    • Social Media & Community Manager

    • Int. Management assistance

Connect with Katha on LinkedIn

Write Katha an email to katharina.krentz@connecting-humans.de

Sophie Rickman

Business psychologist, communications guide and new work facilitator with a focus on corporate influencing

Sophie brings people together and into visibility. As a qualified business psychologist, she knows exactly how to apply psychological insights to economic challenges in order to understand people's behavior. Sophie combines her specialist knowledge with creative thinking and a great passion for communication.

She has a diverse background that includes marketing, sales, training and consulting, and business development. Her knowledge and experience make her a creative and structured thinker. She is always open to new things and is enthusiastic about technologies such as AI and IT tools. But despite this passion, people are always the focus for her. As a 'bridge builder', she brings people together to achieve more together. As a creative communications leader, she recognizes the power of connections and uses them to promote innovation and growth in teams and each individual. It shows people how they can act in different roles as company ambassadors in order to become visible to the outside world. At the same time, it promotes networking within the company by encouraging employees to have a visible impact internally and to actively shape the dialogue. Sophie establishes suitable dialogue formats to improve communication and promote learning from and with each other. As a New Work Facilitator, she is able to use innovative methods and approaches to transform the work culture and processes in companies. She accompanies and supports the upcoming generational change in the world of work in successfully shaping the transfer of knowledge.

Personally, Sophie is an adventurer who enjoys new experiences. She is open to various sports, enjoys going to events even if she doesn't know many people there, and prefers daylight festivals to night parties. Her curiosity and enthusiasm are reflected in her work and personal life.

    • Communication design

    • Corporate influencing

    • Communities

    • Generational change

    • Resilience and mindfulness

    • Interaction between humans, AI and IT

    • 8+ years of experience in project management

    • Business psychologist

    • Product & brand training

    • Social media strategies & content formats

    • Certified pharmaceutical representative

    • certified New Work Facilitator

    • Business Development, E&V

    • Sales, Training & Consulting, Pierre Fabre

    • Sales, marketing, event management, Tchibo

    • Event & project management

Connect with Sophie on LinkedIn

Write Sophie an email to sophie.rickmann@connecting-humans.de

Jens Wiemann

Strategic innovation consultant, UX designer, visionary and idea generator

Jens enjoys being where new things are created and loves identifying potential, developing visionary ideas and making them tangible in analog or digital space.

For Jens, innovation always starts with the smallest economic unit: people and the human needs associated with them. His goal at Connecting Humans is therefore to bring teams and individuals into effectiveness and to activate their full creative potential in the company in order to jointly optimize and/or existing product and service landscapes as well as internal processes and learning processes in an intuitive, meaningful and sustainable way. or to think in a completely new way.

Over the last 12 years, Jens has worked in senior roles at consulting firms such as IDEO, frog, Doblin and Deloitte Digital, where he contributed to a variety of innovation projects in industries such as energy, luxury lifestyle brands, automotive, pharmaceuticals and financial services. His projects included developing a new strategy for introducing electromobility for VW, designing IKEA's Trådfri Smart Home Lighting System and redesigning the service experience on board business class for Europe's largest airline Lufthansa. His expertise as an innovation consultant and human centered designer has taken him around the globe.

Jens is passionate about speaking and cooking Italian. Time with his son but also the exchange with others recharges his batteries and he can always be found where art, design and new things are created.

    • Digital transformation and corporate innovation

    • Human-centered design

    • Brand and team strategy

    • Brand development

    • Design Thinking

    • Digital product and service design

    • Innovation methods

    • Agile working

    • 12+ years of experience as an innovation consultant for global brands and markets

    • 20+ years of design experience

    • Human-centered design

    • Qualitative user research

    • Customer & Employer Journeys

    • Concept, prototyping and MVPs

    • Workshops and moderation

    • Certified ScrumMaster

    • UX/UI design

    • Studied communication and multimedia designer

    • Senior Design Lead, IDEO Munich and IDEO Singapore

    • Senior Designer, frogdesign

    • Innovation Consultant, Doblin

    • Senior Manager, Deloitte Digital

Connect with Jens on LinkedIn

Write Jens an email to jens.wiemann@connecting-humans.de

We look forward to your message!

Use the contact form or send us an email to info@connecting-humans.de