Our offer: Social fitness and effective collaboration in your company

We make your employees and managers fit for the working world of today and tomorrow!

What we offer

Social fitness , in modern German, social competence, is the basis for effective collaboration in the modern working world. Both require targeted measures at different levels. At Connecting Humans in addition to offering personal development also focus on team and organizational development in order to achieve sustainable and continuous change.

Personal development

We support you with measures to promote, qualify and further develop employees, managers and junior managers.

The aim is to increase your willingness and ability to perform and to develop clarity about your own strengths, motives, skills and self-leadership so that a strong WE can emerge in the community.

Team development

We support you in team design and development by ensuring that the individual strengths of each team member are optimally utilized and effective collaboration is promoted.

The goal is to create an appreciative and productive working environment in which everyone can develop their full potential, which contributes to the community and a strong WE.


We support you in implementing changes and active cultural development in your company in order to increase efficiency, adaptability and innovation.

The aim is to achieve "a clear I in a strong WE", i.e. to create an environment in which people are actively involved and enjoy working together.

Get connected. Together we will find the right solution for you and your company.

Own your ME to strengthen the WE

We always look at collaboration on three levels: Toolset - Skillset - Mindset: It's about the correct use of modern tools and methods that are appropriate to the task in order to work effectively and based on strengths with others in different environments, both synchronously and asynchronously. We design the necessary spaces, design the new processes, and train the necessary skills, which we call social fitness. By implementing, experiencing and constantly reflecting, we promote a positive attitude towards change - for better coexistence.

Social fitness as a prerequisite for effective collaboration and therefore the basis of every productive company.

At its core, social fitness and effective collaboration are about the 4Cs:

Real connections ( CONNECT ) between people, to ensure clear and direct communication ( COMMUNICATE ) on and across all levels, cross-functional, interdisciplinary and multi-perspective, to care ( CARE ) in self- and people-management and to shape the future together ( COCREATE ).

  • We believe in the power of real connections and help you build and expand your own network. We bring people with people, strengthen real relationships and promote community inside and outside companies. We design psychologically safe spaces that value diversity and where everyone is welcome. Because effective collaboration is based on good relationships, which we train through social fitness.

  • We know that communication is the key to any successful collaboration. We support you in establishing an open and transparent communication culture in which all voices are heard. Through clear, authentic and appreciative communication, we create an environment in which misunderstandings are minimized and the flow of information is optimized. In this way, we promote better understanding and stronger collaboration within your teams.

  • For us, social fitness and collaboration also have to do with caring for yourself and others. Resilience is a superpower today that needs to be strengthened. We create a culture of cooperation and lifelong learning that endures even in difficult times. Work that strengthens people and keeps them healthy and satisfied is our goal.

  • We strengthen employees, teams and managers so that they can better use their potential for themselves and with others and develop creatively in collaboration. Diversity of perspectives that becomes visible and usable enables sustainable innovation and changes that are not only experienced reactively, but actively shaped. Together.

Learning programs that we offer around social fitness and effective collaboration

Working out loud®

The Working Out Loud ® (WOL) programs are social learning & social fitness methods to acquire new skills, network and work on your own attitude. They are self-organized and are primarily aimed at companies that WANT to provide employees and entire teams with self-determined further training.

Corporate Influencer+

This program is specifically designed for companies that have already reached a certain level of maturity in the area of ​​corporate influencing. The goal is to empower you beyond the basics and promote real personal responsibility. Together we will support you in building a successful and sustainable community.

#FrauenStärken - Leadership Edition

The #FrauenStärken programs are self-organized social learning & social fitness programs aimed at companies. They focus on empowering women, which for us means that people strengthen their strengths, women in particular support each other, and men and of course non-binary people also continue to develop their strengths, which are often considered feminine.

#FrauenStärken - Networking Compact

This #FrauenStärken program is a virtual online compact course with a focus on strategic networking. It shows the 1x1 of networking in short units: How good relationships are created, how strategic networking works online and offline, how we increase our own visibility and become more self-EFFECTIVE through networks.

Three heads. One team. One goal.

We do a lot of things differently: Our management team covers a wide range of ages, experiences and motivations. With in-depth knowledge in the areas of transformation support , team development , new work facilitation , strategy , design , innovation and business psychology, we bring a variety of perspectives to the table. This mix enables us to understand and actively address the needs of companies, managers and employees more holistically. Together we will shape the change in work with a focus on social fitness and effective collaboration. We are happy to take on different roles: We advise , accompany , design , train , coach, inspire, move and moderate , depending on what is needed at the time.

A clear self for strong impact.
Are you ready?

Why we do what we do

We are happy to work with you on the big challenges. Digitalization, globalization, demographic change and multiple crises affect all industries sooner or later. Do the following topics sound familiar to you? They encourage us to develop suitable solutions and implement them with our customers! Clicking on the illustrations will show you what is behind these topics.

Implementing a techno-social working world with people and technology / AI as a unit.

Develop and promote team performance through team culture and identity.

Strengthen employee loyalty through connection and identification.

Enable and train (self-)leadership based on strengths and individually.

Implement onsite, offsite and hybrid working models and locations in a modern way.

Active cultural development for more innovation and a strong WE.

Align generation management and knowledge transfer with phases of life.

Establish continuous training based on toolset, skillset and mindset.

Promote (self-)care for mental and physical health.

Counteract the shortage of skilled workers with internal and external measures.

Increase engagement, motivation and fun at work.

Appreciate and live diversity, equality, inclusion and belonging.

What challenges is your company currently facing? Together we will find and develop the right solution with you.

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress. Working together is success."

Henry Ford

Get connected! We look forward to getting to know you without obligation.

Use the contact form, book an appointment with us directly or write us an email to info@connecting-humans.de