Learn sustainably and together

There is no alternative to lifelong learning for all of our futures. The half-life of knowledge is decreasing due to digitalization, and 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 could not exist today.

People learn most sustainably based on experience and on three levels simultaneously: toolset, skillset, mindset. Because if we do something ourselves, reflect on it in small, heterogeneous groups and receive feedback from others for implementation and further development, if this “doing it differently” brings us something, then we keep it.

The photo shows our team in May 2024 at the final event of our fourth #FrauenStärken powered by WOL® learning program

Learning programs we offer around effective collaboration

Working out loud®

The Working Out Loud ® (WOL) programs are social learning & social fitness methods to acquire new skills, network and work on your own attitude. They are self-organized and are primarily aimed at companies that WANT to provide employees and entire teams with self-determined further training.

#FrauenStärken - Leadership Edition

The #FrauenStärken programs are self-organized social learning & social fitness programs aimed at companies. They focus on empowering women, which for us means that people strengthen their strengths, women in particular support each other, and men and of course non-binary people also continue to develop their strengths, which are often considered feminine.

Corporate Influencer+

This program is specifically designed for companies that have already reached a certain level of maturity in the area of ​​corporate influencing. The goal is to empower you beyond the basics and promote real personal responsibility. Together we will support you in building a successful and sustainable community.

#FrauenStärken - Networking Compact

This #FrauenStärken program is a virtual online compact course with a focus on strategic networking. It shows the 1x1 of networking in short units: How good relationships are created, how strategic networking works online and offline, how we increase our own visibility and become more self-EFFECTIVE through networks.

  • “This great feeling of forming a group with so many people who support and inspire each other.”

  • “Small steps bring me much closer to my goal than I thought.”

  • “Mega! The media mix of circle guide, videos/audios, reflection questions, circle meetings, pit-stop events. A great structure for the learning journey, was the perfect input/output mix for me!"

  • “Visibility does not mean self-expression.”

  • “WOL® is commitment and an investment in yourself. I am now braver and more self-effective!”

  • “Networking is important…and so easy.”

  • “I have more to share than I might sometimes think.”

  • “Just do it and follow your heart!”

  • “WOL® is a wonderful way to get in touch with other people.”

  • “Community makes you strong.”

Working Out Loud® tutorials

Working Out Loud (WOL) stands for transparent, open collaboration in diverse networks and is considered a successful strategy for an increasingly complex future. It promotes an open, learning attitude, personal networking and appreciative communication at eye level. Social fitness is becoming increasingly important in times of digital networking and in techno-social working environments!

WOL is now a global movement, and participants from all over the world are connected through this unique network. More and more companies and organizations, from large corporations to SMEs to NGOs or agencies, are using the various WOL programs to support topics such as collaboration, employee networking, diversity, the promotion of women and managers, onboarding, retention, cultural change and innovation, to name just a few of the use cases.

We currently offer the following WOL® programs

WOL® Circle program

If you want to experience WOL, it's best to start with the WOL Circle method . The focus is on building networking, digital and communication skills as well as self-reflection, self-efficacy and clarity about your own goals, skills and habits.

Who is the program for?
All employees who WANT to expand their network, achieve a goal, research a topic or gain access to further career opportunities.

WOL® for teams

WOL for teams improves team interaction and your collaboration and supports psychological safety in everyday work. The focus is on team building and team performance, working together more effectively in a team and developing further both as an individual and in and with the team.

Who is the program intended for?
Anyone who has been working together for a long time, is new to a team and/or welcomes new members, this program is exactly right for them.

WOL® resilience

Develop and improve skills and overcome challenges better with WOL Resilience . Overcome insecurity, overwhelm and conflicts through everyday techniques and methods for more mindfulness, body awareness, ability to reflect and resilience.​

Who is the program for? Employees who benefit from practical techniques and collaborative learning to feel less stressed and better able to deal with challenges.

WOL® shop floor

WOL Shopfloor strengthens the commitment and participation of all employees in the operational professional environment. The focus is on simple job crafting methods to achieve greater job satisfaction by changing your own attitude and developing personal skills.

Who is the program for? Employees in time-constrained environments such as factories, manufacturing, retail and hospitals who want to improve their daily work experience

#FS powered by WOL®

The focus of the #FrauenStärken powered by WOL is on strengthening yourself as a woman or person who reads as female, supporting other women and further developing your own skills such as self-efficacy, networking and communication skills.

Who is the program for? People who WANT to strengthen themselves and others in order to become more effective and visible through networking and collaboration in networks

85% want to stay connected to their circle after graduation.

89% report an enlarged or expanded network.

46% can solve professional problems better.

74% have access to more information relevant to them.

81% would take part again.

95% would recommend the program

Evaluation of Working Out Loud 2021 with 1,268 participants | Prof. Franziska Jungmann, ISM Berlin

#FrauenStärken learning programs

It is important to us to make this world better than we currently experience it. Strengthening, supporting, networking and making women more visible so that they can be themselves with all their talents and abilities is one way to get there.

However, our #FrauenStärken programs are not only aimed at women, but at all people who want to strengthen themselves and those parts of their abilities that are more feminine and want to use them more consciously. We all have masculine and feminine parts within us, and we need to use both so that we can be ourselves.

Because we can only cope with our future and the constant changes together if we bring together our potential, our knowledge and experiences. #FrauenStärken - for a clear ME in a stronger WE! #BetterTogether.

We currently offer the following #FrauenStärken programs

The #FrauenStärken Leadership Edition is a program to lead yourself, others and your business - the triad of modern leadership. And as always, it starts with ourselves, because this approach gives us all our own leadership responsibility

Who is the program intended for?
The program and its content are aimed primarily at women and female-read people in their first management positions or those who are aiming for their first management position in the company in the near future.

The focus of the #FrauenStärken powered by WOL is on strengthening yourself as a woman or person who reads as feminine, supporting other women and further developing feminine skills.

Who is the program intended for?
Companies and their employees who WANT to strengthen themselves and others in order to become more effective and visible through networking and collaboration in networks

Additionally, as a publicly subsidized program,
we also offer this program publicly once a year to all interested individuals. details and the option to join our waiting list here.

This #FrauenStärken program is a virtual online compact course with a focus on strategic networking. It shows the 1x1 of networking in short units: How good relationships are created, how strategic networking works online and offline, how we increase our own visibility and become more effective through networks.

Who is the program intended for?
​ For women and people who read female who feel insecure or inhibited when it comes to strategic networking. Those who want to reflect on and change their own beliefs in this regard. Those who want to experience and try out many practical tools and methods in a protected environment in order to find their own, individual path to networking and visibility.

Anyone who stops wanting to be better has stopped being good.

—Oliver Cromwell

We also develop individual learning programs according to your requirements

We are happy to make our experiences with learning programs with many thousands of participants available to you. We know what learning spaces (online, offline, hybrid) need and how experiential and experience-based learning works so that it stays in your mind and really makes a difference. For individuals, teams, communities and networks, for people in leadership, subject matter experts and for projects. Here we design innovative, new approaches that are individually tailored to you! Your content, your tools, our knowledge - this creates workshops, impulses, learning programs and entire learning journeys that suit you and are used internally with your tools.

Are you interested in one of our learning programs? We would be happy to help you find the right solution for your company and look forward to your inquiry.

Use the contact form, book an appointment with us directly or write us an email to info@connecting-humans.de