An interactive learning journey to empower women in their role as leaders in the company.

To lead yourself, others and your business powerfully.

What is the #FrauenStärken Leadership Edition?

  • A clearly structured, guided online learning journey over 12 weeks, in individually put together mastermind groups of 4 or 5.

  • Support and guidance from experienced executive trainers and coaches with multimedia, interactive content.

  • You work on your own leadership goals and your own leadership issues.

  • Cross-company networking and exchange in private communities as well as via live events.

What participants in the program say

The most important thing in brief

What it's about

The focus of the program is on strengthening authentic, relationship-oriented leadership.

Target group for the program

The program and its content are aimed primarily at women in management positions or those who are aiming for their first management position in the company. Men and non-binary participants who support women are also welcome participants and can benefit from this program.

Minimum number of participants

The program only makes sense if a group of at least 5 people from your company take part. There are no upper limits.

Time frame and effort

The program runs for 12 weeks. A start is possible at any time after consultation and advance planning. The participants meet once a week for 60-90 minutes and invest approximately another hour in preparing these meetings.


We offer attractive corporate bundles. Write us an email and we will make you an offer tailored to your requirements.

Only 18% of the companies surveyed worldwide employ a female top manager.

World Economic Forum, January 2020

Why your company should definitely be there

Right in the middle instead of just there. Experience, experience, try out, reflect and thereby develop yourself further individually in a small mastermind group.

From a systemic perspective, leadership is a function in social systems.

We will help you understand the role of “leadership”, get used to it and feel comfortable in it, or find out whether this role suits you and how you can make it suitable for you.

The program provides answers to the following questions:

  • What does my leadership role involve?

  • Who and what do I need to lead well?

  • What is my purpose? Why am I a manager?

  • What is really important for my leadership success?

  • How do I give feedback?

  • How do I ensure psychological safety in the team?

  • How do I measure my success?

  • How do I build a strategic support network?

  • How do I have difficult conversations?

  • How do I structure myself and my tasks and learn to delegate more?

To better understand whether the Leadership Edition is something for the female managers in your company, we give you a free insight into the program here. Have lots of fun with it!

Week 3

That's what week 3 is all about

Understanding dynamics and roles and knowing which questions can be used to better classify and control them is extremely important in order to lead effectively and successfully.

The football methapers

This exercise is ideal for better understanding what role you currently play in the company and how that might change in 3-6 months.

You can download this exercise as a PDF here . In the program itself, it is part of the MIRO board that every mastermind group receives as a basis for work and discussion.

How does the #FrauenStärken
Leadership Program work?

A guided 12 week online learning journey. Meet with your individually created mastermind group in weekly peer coaching sessions.

12 learning videos and interactive working materials around
the respective weekly topic with weekly tasks
for your group.

A personal goal for your own leadership role. In parallel to the weekly peer coaching sessions, everyone develops a personal goal and topic for their own leadership role.

4 accompanying online live events with the trainers and participants, spread over the entire program including personal guidance and support from our experts.

Comprehensive networking and exchange over the 12 weeks of the program with all participants and the leadership trainers.

Our program takes place online. With your mastermind group you work in a structured and self-organized way on your own MIRO* whiteboard.

*Don't worry if you haven't worked with MIRO . We'll show you how to do it in just a few steps.

12 week learning journey in detail

  • We introduce ourselves and the program, guide you through the tools and content used and prepare you for the start of your learning journey. You get an overview of who is on the trip and what awaits you.

  • Yeah! The journey begins! You probably know the famous question: “What is more important, the journey or the destination?” Our answer is: the vehicles! You will meet for the first time in your mastermind group for the 12-week development journey that is now beginning. You get to know each other and talk about your leadership questions that you want to work on and answer with the help of the program.

  • The most important person a manager has to lead is themselves. Because you can't not lead. Everything you do or don't do, what you talk about or don't talk about, is part of your leadership. Your employees will learn what is really important to you and what is not. This week you will focus on your learning goal and how you want to achieve it with the program.

  • If you want to lead, you have to love people. Do you realize how much your attitude influences your leadership style? How do you view your leadership issues and employees? Your posture has an enormous impact on your effectiveness and creative power. We know from research that strengths-based leadership generates higher employee loyalty. You can learn to lead consciously and positively!

  • A lot of what you encounter in your job has to do with your role as a manager. Because you don't lead in a vacuum, but in the living and very dynamic system of your organization. Understanding these dynamics and roles and knowing which questions you can use to better classify and control them is extremely important in order to lead effectively and successfully.

  • We create clarity. Who actually wants and needs something from me? How do others in my organization measure my success? After 4 weeks of reflecting on yourself, your attitude and your role as a manager, you now look at things from the outside in order to sharpen your perception of your actions. This week you will discuss 360° feedback in the form of a SWOT analysis from your team members, superiors, employees, peers, etc. You will develop your individual leader manifesto. Who are you as a leader and how do you want to work with your team?

Stage 1 | Lead me | Week 1 – 4

Stage 2 | Leading others | Week 5 – 9

  • Lack of appreciation and recognition is one of the most common reasons for termination. That's why appreciation and recognition are two very important elements for motivation and well-being in the team. This week you will learn how to do this in a variety of ways and effectively.

  • One of the most challenging tasks for leaders, especially in the beginning, is delegating, letting go, and trusting that a team member can take ownership of a task. This week we'll look at how to structure your tasks well so that you know which tasks you can hand in. Here you will learn how to do this transparently and with fun.

  • The management job consists of up to 80% communication. There are many types of conversations: recruitment, feedback, development, termination discussions, etc. We place a particular focus on the topic of feedback, especially on how you can prepare and then carry out feedback discussions in an appreciative and at the same time clear manner .

  • Empathy often begins with listening. We'll look at how you can build good contact with your counterpart through different types of listening. As always, in the mastermind group you will put this directly from theory into practice by sharing your own experiences.

  • The role of the manager is constantly changing. Empowering, talent management and coaching have been playing important roles in the leadership process for several years. One of the most important steps is the step from saying to asking, because many managers talk too much and ask too little. This week you will learn which questions you can use to support, challenge and coach your employees.

Stage 3 | Running the Business | Week 10 – 12

  • There are active and passive changes in organizations. The active ones are in your own hands and you can manage them together with your team. With passive changes there is often the feeling “something has been decided and we have to implement it now, even though we are not 100% behind it”. This week you will learn what you can do yourself with both types of changes in order to actively involve as many people as possible and still create your own scope for action in passive changes.

  • The art is not to be able to do and know everything yourself. We are successful when we can get help from the network in a short time. Using the skills and knowledge of others to complement ourselves is the recipe for success. This week it's all about strategic network development and expansion.

  • Even the greatest journey comes to an end. This week we will reflect, plan the next steps into the future and celebrate in your mastermind group. Be proud of yourself and what you have achieved!

  • Of course, we will all celebrate the end of your learning journey together and reflect on what we have experienced and learned based on your analyzed feedback.

Do you still have questions about the program? Then please send us an email to – we will be happy to help you.

You can't not lead!

#FS Leadership Edition

You can't not lead! – #FS Leadership Edition –

This is what awaits you on this 12-week online learning journey

  • 12 weekly peer coaching sessions with an individually tailored mastermind group of 4 or 5

  • 12 learning videos around the respective weekly topic

  • Focus on your personal goal as a manager, which you work on continuously

  • 4 online live events with the trainers and participants

  • Interactively prepared learning material for the weekly mastermind groups

  • Weekly reflection questions to help you get more into your leadership role

  • Personal guidance and support from our experts

  • Comprehensive networking and exchange with all participants

  • Certificate of Completion

Your coaches for the program

  • Hello, I'm Birgit. Honestly: I want to see more women in leadership! Because “women belong in all places where decisions are made” (Ruth Bader Ginsburg)!

    The topic of leadership has been on my mind for over 25 years and through the WOL (Working Out Loud) #FrauenStärken 1-3 programs, I have experienced a rapid deep dive into the world of #FrauenStärken . I would also like this invigorating type of learning journey for women in leadership so that they can support each other in their learning journey to becoming effective leaders.

    In the program, we address the complexity of the leadership role with reflection, knowledge and multi-perspective exchange.

    I have been supporting people in their development as leaders and as people for over 25 years. I have been giving advanced training and education for managers in many industries for many years and bring my knowledge and practical experience into this program.

    I love to inspire and am happy to contribute to ensuring that relationship-oriented leadership succeeds and people feel empowered and comfortable in this role.

    You can find more about me here.

    #Inspirer #ExperimentalFree Spirit #HighEnergyAndHappinessLevel

  • Hello, I am Katrin Grunwald - team developer, coach for first-time leaders and consultant for organizational development.

    My contact with the topic of leadership came in my previous jobs in personnel development at Airbus, where, among other things, I led small teams, project teams and also group-wide networks with members across Europe. As a team developer and founder of The Globe Team consultancy, I support teams around the world to work better together. I have experienced again and again how great the influence of managers is on the team, both positive and negative! That's why I focus my work on first-time leaders and support them right from the start with a successful start in their first leadership role. As a manager, there is so much you can do when you start out in order to work well with your own team! And I'm happy to bring a lot of this to the table here at #FrauenStärkenF Female Leadership Edition as a trainer and to strengthen many great people with it!

    After studying psychology in Maastricht and a master's degree in human resource management at the LSE, I completed numerous certified further training courses in the areas of NLP, systemic leadership and systemic organizational development.

    I enjoy working in completely different working environments, from my corporate experience at Airbus Leadership University to my current customers in the areas of start-ups, government organizations (ministries, GIZ, etc.) and medium-sized companies. I work in German, English, Spanish, French and Dutch.

    read more about me here

    #firsttimeleader #international #leadershipwithempathyandclarity

  • Hello, I'm Katharina, preferably just Katha for you. I learned what “managing” means - and what “leadership” means to me. I was trained as a manager in the talent program - some of it was good, some of it I wouldn't want to use.

    Through my own story, I know how difficult it still is to lead as a woman with your own strengths. Self-CONFIDENT, powerful, full of self-CONFIDENCE - without bending, playing a role and constantly adapting.

    I have been a passionate WOL enthusiast from the very beginning and have set up and supported > 3,000 WOL circles, WOL teams and reverse mentoring tandems in various programs inside and outside of companies since 2015.

    With the #FrauenStärken Leadership Edition I would like to make my own contribution for all of us: a further training program for managers to strengthen feminine strengths, to try out and develop further in the community in order to lead: yourself, others and in a business context .

    read more about me here

    #ConnectingHumans #NewWorkNewLeadershipEnthusiast #BetterTogether

Experience, experience, try out, reflect and thereby develop individually.

This program was created with ourselves in mind. In the #FrauenStärken Leadership Edition we have bundled all the knowledge that we ourselves as leaders can use and what we have always missed in other programs. Our learning program is therefore aimed at people who face similar challenges to us: they all want to lead in a relationship-oriented and authentic way, based on their own strengths.

We look forward to curious managers who want to develop themselves further. Are you one of them?

It doesn't matter what organization you come from, how long and how many you lead, we trust in the collective intelligence of diversity that will unfold in the mastermind groups. We can all learn from each other and together.

Managers who are new or have not been in a leadership role for very long will particularly benefit from the program.



  • From a systemic perspective, leadership is a function in social systems. We help you understand the role of “leadership”, get used to it, feel comfortable in it and find out how you can make it suitable for you. You will find answers to your questions about leadership and can exchange ideas and reflect in your mastermind group and with the mentors.

    The program provides answers to the following questions:

    • What does my leadership role involve?

    • Who and what do I need to lead well?

    • What is my purpose? Why am I a manager?

    • What is really important for my leadership success?

    • How do I give feedback?

    • How do I ensure psychological safety in the team?

    • How do I measure my success?

  • The tasks of managers, team leaders and management have changed radically, especially in recent years.

    Topics such as digital transformation, new work, sustainability and self-realization are just a small selection of keywords that you will deal with as a manager.

    The time gap between technical, content-related and disciplinary tasks seems to be increasing. Employees increasingly have different expectations of work and careers. Working together and leading in a hybrid way, dealing with complexity and being able to act despite unmanageable crises and at the same time being human, approachable and empathetic and at the same time leading in a relaxed and individual manner? Not that easy! We want to promote this balance through input, reflection and cross-company exchange.

    Because these abilities, which are considered to be more feminine qualities, are in all of us and can be strengthened for a leadership role. #FrauenStärken.

    • With our program we want to offer you a platform to support you in your role as a manager and to tackle these challenges with courage, conviction and energy.

    • We want to offer you a platform on which you can develop further within a protected space and in a small mastermind group with like-minded people through mutual feedback and plenty of space for self-reflection. You learn from and with practical experts.

    • We want to use methods, practical examples and tools to show you that leadership can be practiced and learned. This program is aimed at today's managers and those who want to become managers.

    • We also want to enable cross-company networking and open exchange among all participants in a community.

    From three rounds of Working Out Loud (WOL) #FrauenStärken programs with >4,500 participants, we know how guided learning journeys work in small peer support groups. We are experiencing the need for new work and relationship-oriented leadership based on feminine strengths. Both combined result in our new program: the #FrauenStärken Leadership Edition.

  • From a systemic perspective, leadership is a function in social systems. We help you understand the role of “leadership”, get used to it, feel comfortable in it and find out how you can make it suitable for you. You will find answers to your questions about leadership and can exchange ideas and reflect in your mastermind group and with the mentors.

    The program provides answers to the following questions:

    • What does my leadership role involve?

    • Who and what do I need to lead well?

    • What is my purpose? Why am I a manager?

    • What is really important for my leadership success?

    • How do I give feedback?

    • How do I ensure psychological safety in the team?

    • How do I measure my success?

    At the end of the 12 weeks, you will ideally have developed your own leadership style and personally developed yourself as a person because you have consistently worked on the leadership topic you brought with you. You know how you can reflect on your leadership questions effectively and in a solution-oriented manner. You have expanded your network with like-minded people and feel confident and comfortable in your role as a (prospective) manager.

    • What does my leadership role involve?

    • Who and what do I need to lead well?

    • What is my purpose? Why am I a manager?

    • What is really important for my leadership success?

    • How do I give feedback?

    • How do I ensure psychological safety in the team?

    • How do I measure my success?

  • A mastermind group (or peer support group) brings together people who are interested in the same topic, are dealing with a similar problem or are simply looking to exchange opinions, views, advice or passions. It's a gathering of like-minded people, but they don't have to be the same.

    Unlike at work, for example, where a group usually consists of colleagues who have similar approaches and have similar training and skills - apart from collaboration across several departments - the participants in a mastermind group can come from completely different areas and companies come.

    Our mastermind groups consist of 4-5 participants who go on the 12-week learning journey together as a small group. In weekly meetings we work on tasks together, discuss them, give each other feedback and learn from and with each other. The Las Vegas rule applies: What is discussed here stays within the group. This creates a protective and experimental space in which everyone can get involved and try things out.

  • Our long-standing executive coaches and trainers Birgit Permantier and Katrin Grunwald are primarily responsible for the content. Katharina Krentz is on board as a network and methods expert.

    Other #FrauenStärken team members are Jens Wiemann (Design and User Experience) and Sophie Rickmann (Social Media Marketing).

  • You will have to work around 2 hours a week. You need one hour to meet and complete the tasks in your mastermind group and another hour to prepare the session, deal with the week's content and continue working on your learning goal. We also offer four live events, which require a total of 5 hours to participate in the 12 program weeks.


  • The next program starts in March. You can now buy tickets in our shop .

    • Program period: March 19 to June 25, 2024

    • Registration by March 10, 2024

    • 987€ for private customers | 687€ Early Bird Ticket (when booked by January 31, 2024)

    • 1.197€ for corporate customers | 879€ Early Bird Ticket (when booked by January 31, 2024)

  • Write us an email to or follow our private LinkedIn community for all participants, which will be available from the start of the program.

  • We try to make the mastermind groups as diverse as possible with 4 to 5 participants. However, our highest priority is to ensure that appointments for the 1-hour weekly appointments work. Therefore, our focus is on similar participation preferences across days of the week and times.

  • This is of course a shame, because not only do you miss out on the exchange in the group and have to develop the content yourself, but the group also has to do without your input. Please just take responsibility for it and try to prepare or rework in the event of non-participation. Communicate openly and try to find appointments where everyone can be there. From the kick-off event until the final event you have 14 weeks for 12 meetings, that should be manageable.

  • If you speak German well and can arrange the time, then of course you're very welcome. Please note that all times given are based on German time CET. The joint events all take place at 6:00 p.m. CET, and the mastermind groups coordinate their weekly meetings together. When registering, please remember to specify your time zone or only register for the time slots possible in Germany.


  • Do you want to take part in the program with 10, 20 or even more colleagues from your company? No problem. Simply write to us at and we will make you an attractive offer.

    Get up to EUR 200 off the normal price with our attractive corporate bundles (on request)!

  • We will be happy to send you a separate invoice directly to your accounting department.

  • Unfortunately, due to the high logistical effort, payment in installments is not possible.

  • You can cancel up to 14 days before the program registration deadline. We then form the mastermind groups and start communication so that deregistration and a refund of the program fees are no longer possible due to the effort involved.

  • See previous question about free cancellation.

    • After registering, you will be individually assigned to a mastermind group of 4-5 participants. Here the focus is on participant preferences such as day of the week and time for possible participation in the weekly meetings.

    • In the opening event you will get to know each other and can start straight away with the intuitive learning units.

    • Everyone works on their own leadership topic, which is defined at the beginning in the form of a learning goal.

    • You meet for one hour a week for 12 weeks to reflect on your work on your goals, your progress and your challenges.

    • Every week you can expect a video that explains the content of the week.

    • Afterwards you have time for the weekly tasks and the preparation of the weekly mastermind meeting, where you primarily exchange ideas.

    • In addition to the weekly meetings, you should allow for around ½ to an hour of preparation time.

    • The weekly meeting is always structured the same way: a short check-in is followed by 1-3 tasks to be done alone or in a group. The conclusion is then a short check-out.

    • You as a group will have all the content available to you on the interactive Miroboard. Here you can complete your tasks and document your learning success.

    • During the 12 weeks you will also have the opportunity to network with all participants in a variety of ways.

    • Two very experienced executive trainers and coaches as well as content experts are available at any time to provide advice and support.

    • All participants can also support and exchange ideas via a closed and exclusive LinkedIn group.


    • 12 weekly peer coaching sessions with an individually tailored mastermind group of 4 or 5

    • 12 learning videos around the respective weekly topic

    • Focus on your personal goal, which you work on continuously

    • 4 online live events with the trainers

    • Interactively prepared learning material for the weekly mastermind groups

    • Weekly reflection questions to help you get more into your leadership role

    • Personal guidance and support from our experts

    • Comprehensive networking and exchange in a private LinkedIn group

    • Certificate of Completion

  • You learn most effectively when you bring your topics into the learning journey. What are you currently concerned about as a manager? Do you already know very clearly who and how you are in this role? What do you want to learn? Improve what? Practice what? You work alone and in the mastermind group on your topic in order to use the program as sustainably as possible and to be able to observe your own development.

  • Don't worry, at the start of the program and in the first week you have plenty of time to be inspired by us and the other participants and to formulate your own learning goal.

  • On Monday morning you will receive an email from us with an overview of the week's content. Matching multimedia content will then be available to you on your Miro board. A video explains what can be worked on during the week and in the mastermind group. You prepare accordingly, you then meet as a group and work on the tasks. If you would like to deepen the content afterwards, continue working on your learning topic or exchange ideas with others, this is possible via our private community on LinkedIn. If you have any questions, you can contact the trainers, experts or the community at any time, otherwise the tasks will be processed independently in your groups.

  • Each week includes a learning video with learning content and specific instructions for the week. The multimedia content is then available on a Miro board for each mastermind group. We also send weekly email summaries and additional content is also shared in the private LinkedIn community.

    You haven't worked with MIRO yet? the digital whiteboard here

  • We will keep the content for you until 1 year after the program. Of course, you can also save the content locally or create a backup copy for yourself.

  • Well, logo!

  • • What does my leadership role involve?

    • Who and what do I need to lead well?

    • What is my purpose? Why am I a manager?

    • What is really important for my leadership success?

    • How do I give feedback?

    • How do I ensure psychological safety in the team?

    • How do I measure my success?

    • How do I build a strategic support network?

    • How do I have difficult conversations?

    • How do I structure myself and my tasks and learn to delegate more?


  • Managers who are new or have not been in a leadership role for very long will particularly benefit from the program. Women, men and non-binary people who are interested in the course content are also warmly invited to take part.

  • You are welcome to take part if you have not yet led a team but would like to do so in the future and would like to prepare well for it. The mastermind groups thrive on the diversity of experiences of the participants. However, it would be good for everyone if you have already dealt with leadership topics and take the topic really seriously.

  • Sure, if you hold leadership roles or plan to take on a leadership role soon.

  • You can also do it in-house and buy everything. If you would like to participate with us and purchase several places through the company, please contact us by email at and we will send you further details about the ordering process.

  • No. Our program is called #FrauenStärkenbecause it is primarily about strengthening competencies that are more commonly read as feminine, such as empathy, compassion, listening, cooperation and understanding of diversity, i.e. The focus of the program is on strengthening authentic, relationship-oriented leadership. We are really looking forward to male and non-binary participants, because the more diverse the groups, the more we can learn from and with each other.

Still haven't found the right answer to your questions? Then please send us an email to – we will be happy to help you.

The team behind #FrauenStärken

Connecting Humans, these are Katha, Sophie and Jens, who are primarily responsible for setting up this program with a lot of love, passion and passion.

If you would like to find out more about us or about Connecting Humans , please take a look at our website.

our offer

Learning sustainably

About Us

Or feel free to write to us: - we look forward to talking to you!

Is the #FrauenStärken Leadership Edition the right program for your company? It's best to arrange a non-binding introductory meeting and find out. We look forward to your inquiry.

Use the contact form, book an appointment with us directly or write us an email to