Working out loud®

Our Working Out Loud ® (WOL) programs are social learning & social fitness learning methods for companies to acquire new skills, network and work on their own attitude.

of employees are not satisfied with their jobs (Gallup)

experiencing social isolation in the workplace (Harvard Business Review)

must develop new skills to do their jobs (Gartner)

Working Out Loud®

Working Out Loud® (WOL®) stands for transparent, open collaboration in diverse teams and networks and is considered a success strategy and core capability for an increasingly complex future. It promotes an open, learning attitude, personal networking and appreciative communication at eye level. The different WOL learning programs focus on different content and are aimed at different target groups. However, the basic structure is always the same: In so-called circles, the participants work and learn from and with each other in a self-organized and responsible manner. It is precisely this social fitness that is becoming increasingly important in times of digital networking and in techno-social working environments!

WOL® is now a global movement, and participants from all over the world are connected through this unique network. More and more companies and organizations, from large corporations to SMEs to NGOs or agencies, are using the various WOL programs to address topics such as collaboration, employee networking, diversity, the promotion of women and managers, onboarding, retention, job crafting, resilience, cultural change and innovation support, to name just a few of the use cases.

WOL® learns while the participants already WANT, and the learning programs do this in a self-organized and responsible manner (learning-by-doing methods). In the circles, psychologically safe spaces for experiments, experiences and sustainable learning through reflection are created very quickly. Circles can take place online and offline and can be used to work on your own and higher-level learning goals. By linking the content with your own topics, these can easily be developed in a self-organized manner and intrinsic motivation is promoted. The programs are easy to integrate into everyday work because they last several weeks and only take a maximum of 2 hours per week with free time allocation.

We offer the following WOL® programs

WOL® Circle program

If you want to experience WOL, it's best to start with the WOL Circle method . The focus is on building networking, digital and communication skills as well as self-reflection, self-efficacy and clarity about your own goals, skills and habits.

Who is the program for?
All employees who WANT to expand their network, achieve a goal, research a topic or gain access to further career opportunities

WOL® for teams

WOL for teams improves team interaction and your collaboration and supports psychological safety in everyday work. The focus is on team building and team performance, working together more effectively in a team and developing further both as an individual and in and with the team.

Who is the program intended for?
Anyone who has been working together for a long time, is new to a team and/or welcomes new members, this program is exactly right for them.

WOL® resilience

Develop and improve skills and overcome challenges better with WOL Resilience . Overcome insecurity, overwhelm and conflicts through everyday techniques and methods for more mindfulness, body awareness, ability to reflect and resilience.​

Who is the program for? Employees who benefit from practical techniques and collaborative learning to feel less stressed and better able to deal with challenges

WOL® shop floor

WOL Shopfloor strengthens the commitment and participation of all employees in the operational professional environment. The focus is on simple job crafting methods to achieve greater job satisfaction by changing your own attitude and developing personal skills.

Who is the program for? Employees in time-constrained environments such as factories, manufacturing, retail and hospitals who want to improve their daily work experience

#FS powered by WOL®

The focus of the #FrauenStärken powered by WOL is on strengthening yourself as a woman or person who reads as female, supporting other women and further developing your own skills such as self-efficacy, networking and communication skills.

Who is the program for? People who WANT to strengthen themselves and others in order to become more effective and visible through networking and collaboration in networks

All 5 WOL® brochures in one PDF for download

Nine good reasons for Working Out Loud®

Strengthening the role of women and promoting appreciation for diversity in the company

Promoting psychological safety and teamwork

Giving employees a voice and conveying a feeling of connection

Effective collaboration and knowledge sharing with others

Providing important fundamentals and skills for aspiring leaders

Overcome silos within areas, locations and functions

Supporting new employees in building networks and improving orientation within the company

Increasing resilience to reduce stress and increase the ability to change

Enabling employees to shape their own career path

How Working Out Loud® works

Exchange in small, familiar groups

Working and exchanging ideas in confidential, psychologically safe groups (circles) promotes support for each other, a sense of community and human connection.

Everyone works towards an individual goal

When people pursue their own (learning) goal, intrinsic motivation is promoted, active engagement increases and learning is possible and progress is achieved more casually and through reflection.

A structured

Clearly defined weekly structures, processes and exercises provide a simple framework for working and learning on your own topic in a self-organized way in a group.

Establish new habits over time

Through gradual practice, week after week, sustainable habits are built and a new mindset is cultivated, useful for achieving any goal.

Get to know our certified WOL® coaches

Katharina Krentz

In 2015, Katharina was the first to use Working Out Loud® programs in a large corporation, adapting them, distributing them internationally, organizing them as a grassroots initiative and anchoring the attitude in the HR strategy. She has advised many companies on this, accompanied circles and (further) developed some of the WOL® programs. She is considered the founder of the WOL® movement in Germany. To date, >6,000 people have taken part in the public #FrauenStärken powered by WOL® programs.

Sophie Rickman

Sophie is a passionate WOLler. Due to her background as a business psychologist, new work facilitator and communication expert, she is enthusiastic about the direct impact of the various programs in practice. In 2021, she took part in the largest open WOL® #FrauenStärken program and then became a member of the CoCreation team. Since 2024 she has also been working as a WOL® coach and supports companies in successful implementation.

Jens Wiemann

Jens first came into contact with Working Out Loud® while designing a new look for the WOL #FrauenStärkenprogram and soon took on the redesign of the global WOL brand ecosystem. Since 2021, he has been part of the #FrauenStärkenco-creation team, helping to create a consistent brand look and feel and striving to continually improve the overall learning experience. He has also been working as a WOL® for Teams coach since 2024.

WOL® in the press

  • 26 Lightbulb Moments, Episode 2, May 2024

    In this episode of "26 Lightbulb Moments," Anja interviews two prominent advocates of the Working Out Loud (WOL) method: John Stepper and Katharina Krentz. John, the creator and founder of WOL, and Katharina, a transformation facilitator and certified WOL coach, discuss the impact of this peer-to-peer learning method on personal and cultural development in various organizations. They share insights into how WOL promotes collaboration, networking, and lifelong learning, and why it's essential for future success. Listen now.

  • Learning is awesome - The Learning Development Blog, July 2022

    Katharina Krentz: Almost every Learning & Development expert knows podcasts on the topic of “Working out Loud”. She is the woman who brought Working out Loud to Germany. With “ Connecting Humans ” she not only supports WOL, but also New Work topics in general. At the moment everyone is screaming for New Work - I would like to know from her how employers can remain attractive if we all suddenly only work remotely. Watch now.

  • Impulspiloten, April 2022

    For today's expert talk, I would like to welcome a very special guest, Katharina Krentz, to our impulse pilot couch. Katha is not only a trainer and speaker for New Work, networking, female empowerment and founder of Connecting Humans , but she is also considered a pioneer of Working Out Loud® - WOL® for short - in Germany. now .

  • Changement Magazine, March 2022

    A panacea for some, completely overrated for others: tools and methods in change. We examine practitioners and experts and want to find out their perspective and some tips. This time we ask Katharina Krentz. She is considered one of the pioneers in Germany when it comes to working out loud. Read full article.

  • Kluge & Co., October, 2020

    The name of our guest today, Katharina Krentz, is particularly associated with the topic of Working Out Loud - one of the most prominent examples of grassroots movements in organizations. Katharina Krentz had the official task in her company of designing a curriculum for the community managers set up in the company. Listen now.

  • Haufe, March 2018

    Connecting products via the cloud, connecting employees with “Working Out Loud” – that’s one of Bosch’s recipes for digital transformation. You can read how this works in practice here.

  • t3n, May 2018

    Bosch has been doing it for years, Daimler too, and a number of other large and well-known companies besides them: Working-Out-Loud. But what is that actually? Read full article.

  • t3n, May 2019

    Working out Loud (WOL®) is a method of making work visible and sharing knowledge - using a structured method in groups. In the t3n podcast, Daimler and Bosch explain how they implement the method in practice. Listen now.

  • SWR, LinkedIn, 2021

    SWR innovative: With WOL® -Working Out Loud®- against silo mentality, SWR project manager Elian Lieb shares her experiences. Read entire post.

Do you want to find out whether a WOL® program is right for your company? It's best to arrange a non-binding introductory meeting with one of our certified WOL® coaches. We look forward to your inquiry.

Use the contact form, book an appointment with us directly or write us an email to